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Vascular Surgery Clinic


ascular is a term which refers to the veins and arteries. Vascular surgery specialize in the surgical treatments of the medical problems related to veins and arteries. The physicians of this specialty are also called vascular doctors or vascular specialists. It is a highly sensitive specialty in medical sciences. 

One wrong move and damage to one vein can cause death, paralysis and other complications in the patient. To avoid any such consequence, you as a patient need to go to the best vascular doctors and surgeons.

High Skilled & Experienced Vascular Surgeons in Dubai

Are able to carry out the vascular surgeries with the highest rate of success. A hospital’s real credibility depends on the success rate and effectiveness of the surgeons who operate patients in the hospital’s various departments. We have taken no chances with the vascular surgery department also, as it is the matter of our patient’s wellbeing.

As the best hospital in Dubai, Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital reserves no effort to keep the hospital at the top position for the sake of serving people with the best possible treatment. It can only be done by hiring the best vascular surgeons and doctors in the department which is a highly sophisticated field of medicines.

Vascular Treatment

Involves medical and surgical procedures depending on the nature and complexity of the vascular disease. It is one specialty that covers the entire body because veins and arteries span all over the human body.

The most common vascular problems and treatments offered in the Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital include spider vein treatment and removal, varicose vein removal, vascular surgery of legs and also vein thrombosis and peripheral vascular disease.

Surgical Treatments

The vascular surgeons also carryout laser treatments for some diseases of veins and arteries. The treatments include laser treatment for varicose veins and other treatments in this department include, diabetic foot, abdominal aortic aneurysm diseases, venous insufficiency, vein inflammation, venous catheter and artery catheter installation, treatment of blockages of blood vessels for patients suffering diabetes, cases of artery cut resulting from accidents and injuries, treatment of thrombophlebitis resulting from veins disorders, vein thrombosis and clots in the legs, shortage of blood flow in the arteries leading to pain in the legs when waking and cases that need vascular stent insertion to perform dialysis for people suffering renal failure.

Choose The Best

In short whatever the vascular condition you have, we are here to serve you and suggest you the best possible and most appropriate treatment for you according to the specifications of your case and condition that you are in.

We have the best vein doctors who are expert of their field and are able to assure uninterrupted and normal blood flow in your veins and arteries through modern and latest vascular therapy and techniques. It provides you the best health and promises your fitness.

We assure you that you visit and consultancy with our vein specialists will not go in vain. You can trust us with our professional vascular surgeons and specialists because we do not hire anyone but the best.

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A powerful team working for your Health

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DHCC +971 4429 7777

SZRMC +971 4581 3333

Opening Hours

Saturday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

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