Top Emergency Medical Care for critical patients in Dubai

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Top Emergency Medical Care for critical patients in Dubai

‘Critical and Emergency Care’ is a multi-professional specialty that cares for patients with severe, life-threatening illnesses and injuries. If there is an immediate threat to life, emergency medical care can be provided at the scene of an accident, in an ambulance, in a hospital emergency room, or in the operating room. However, the majority of emergency medical care is provided when the patient is admitted to a highly specialized Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

A multi-professional emergency medicine team consists of highly experienced and professional physicians, nurses, respiratory care technicians, pharmacists, and other personnel.

In Dubai, emergency doctors are trained to deal with unexpected conditions and patients. Emergency doctors are responsible for providing Stage 1 resuscitation, stabilization, initial investigations, and interventions to effectively diagnose and treat abnormalities/injuries until the patient is stable enough to be transferred to an organ-specific department or is ready to be discharged.

An emergency physician’s expertise and work may be required in a variety of situations, including:

Emergency departments in hospitals
ICU (Intensive Care Units or Critical Care Units)
Pre-hospital conditions Primary care settings such as urgent care centers
They are also essential in providing patients with temporary healthcare services when other doctors are unavailable or in hospitals where specific departments may or may not be available/functional. While the majority of patients presenting to the emergency department will have low-acuity conditions such as exacerbations of chronic disease and/or minor injuries, illnesses and minor injuries will also make up a portion of the volume. Dr Sulaiman al habib Hospitals has some of the best emergency doctors in Dubai.

The Department of Emergency Medicine at Dr Sulaiman Al Habib Hospitals combines cutting-edge technology and unrivaled medical expertise to provide the most efficient emergency medical care for critical patients. A full-service facility with cutting-edge clinical support and some of the best emergency doctors in Dubai, the team of trained and experienced doctors, paramedics, and nurses have the experience and temperament to provide immediate medical care to critically ill or injured patients.

Services provided include:

Complete medical care (from minor illnesses to life-threatening situations)
Full-service procedure room with dedicated defibrillators, ECG (electrocardiogram), infusion pump, crash carts, and so on.
Nearby diagnostic imaging and laboratory services
Short-Term Care Unit for those who do not require intensive care or admission.
Access to a full range of medical, paediatric, and surgical specialists on call
Advanced diagnostic facility (for ill patients referred by primary care physicians)
Half of all hospital inpatient admissions are decided by decision-makers.
The safety net for people who are unable to obtain care elsewhere.
Minor trauma, cuts, injuries, and burns are all catered for.
Foreign body removal from the ear, nose, and throat


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